Monday, February 18, 2008

February 8-18, 2008

So, I fail. Or I was just out of town, very busy, and then very sick. I'll take the latter.

February 18, 2008

I'm feeling a little better today. I got dressed for real, at least.

February 17, 2008

I has the flu.

February 16, 2008

Can you tell I feel great?

February 15, 2008

(Full) Day 1 of the sick.

February 14, 2008

Nothing. I did fail this day. It really just slipped my mind.

February 13, 2008

My mom told me to show off my mouth-bling before it leaves for good. (IN A WEEK!)

February 12, 2008

February 11, 2008

Just a little frazzled.

February 10, 2008

Yeah...I'm on the phone. It doesn't happen that often.

February 9, 2008

Woo! All dressed up at conference!

February 8, 2008

People like to participate in my picture-taking when I'm around other people. This would be Dan with a shoe on his head and Megan's hand at the hotel for NCARH 2008 in Boone.

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